STOP! Before you do anything else, you need to install your Facebook Pixel.
First thing you need to do, if you haven’t already, is create a Business Manager account. This will allow you to manage your Facebook analytics, Facebook Ads and take advantage of Facebook’s pixel measurement capabilities.
Let's take a minute to understand the social media channels we use to grow our business and how we're going to use your Facebook Pixel for retargeting later within the class.
As Chris mentioned in the video, Facebook, Instagram Pinterest and YouTube are the popular platforms that have worked for us. But the other social networks work great for other specific niches and brands. The goal is to find your audience and service them, no matter where they might be.
Let's move down to installing your Facebook Pixel. You'll be so glad you did!
Business Account Setup
Here’s a quick link on how to create your business account step-by-step.
Now that you’ve created your Business Manager account and your pixel, it’s time to install your Facebook Pixel on your website.
For this video, we’ll be showing how to install your Facebook Pixel on Squarespace. However, If you’re using another popular website builder, there are some other helpful links below to guide you on installing your own Facebook Pixel:
Once you have your Facebook Pixel installed you can use this handy little tool to track your pixel and make sure it's working correctly. Make sure you're using the Chrome browser to install this extension... it's super handy! :)
Here are some additional links to installing your Facebook Pixel on other popular website builders: