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Facebook Advertising


facebook ads - generating sales

facebook ads - overview

Running Facebook and Instagram ads is one of the most effective ways to generate additional income for your creative business. Not only are you able to target your existing subscribers and customers, but you're also able to bring those who had previously unsubscribed back to purchasing your products!

It's an important lesson to understand... just because someone unsubscribes, doesn't mean they don't like what you offer, it simply means they choose to follow you somewhere else. Always remember an unsubscribe is nothing personal :-)

That's the wonderful thing about online advertising. You can find your audiences in a variety of places and bring them back to your site!

Creating effective Facebook Ads takes time and testing a variety of strategies to know what will work best for you and your audience. Even though email marketing far and above outperforms Facebook Ads, the strategies you're about to learn have been a tremendous help to adding additional revenue to our business over the years.

It's also an effective way to target individuals who might not be on your subscriber list just yet, but choose to follow you on Facebook, Instagram or visit your website and ultimately become your customer!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Always remember... the following ad strategies are for WARM and HOT audiences ONLY. Running sales ads to a Cold audience will NOT work in this instance.
Keep in mind, Warm and Hot audiences already know you and are ready to take the next step in purchasing. Cold audiences don't know you yet and it's your job to run entirely different ad campaigns to let them get to know you first. Take your time and review the beginning lessons in this class to understand the different ad campaigns and how to target the right audiences.

facebook ads - overview

facebook ads - ad examples

When running our ads, we typically use Carousel and Video ads. These two types of ads have performed very well for us over the years vs. a typical static image ad. These two ads provide greater interactivity and engagement from the viewer. However, I encourage you to test your own ads and see what works best for you.

facebook ads - ad examples

facebook ads - creating your ad

Now the fun begins! Let's take our time and walk through setting up your first sales ad for Facebook and Instagram. There's a lot to take in here so try not to feel too overwhelmed with what what you're viewing. If you've taken the time to review the Facebook Overview along with Section 7, you're ready to begin creating effective sales ads inside Facebook..

facebook ads - creating your ad

facebook ads - analytics

Congratulations! You've just created your first ad campaign! Once your ad is approved there are a few key numbers to keep in mind as your ads are running. Overall, you want to make sure your ads are working correctly and resonating with your audience...

facebook ads - analytics

Let's continue to campaign costs...