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Facebook Advertising


creating your ad

Before we create a custom ad for our Cold and Warm Leads, lets cover the basics of creating an effective ad within Facebook.

The main structure of your ad should follow these steps:

  1. Image
  2. Main Headline
  3. Main Copy
  4. Secondary Copy (Top Copy)
  5. Call To Action

Here are a few helpful tips when creating your copy:

Write for the click. Your ad headline should be a clear Call To Action (CTA) all of its own. Basically, make the first word the imperative form of a verb.
Connect “what” with “why.” State what to do – and then say why. What’s the benefit or outcome of acting?
Focus on a single, specific thought. People can be indecisive when trying to make a decision. Keep it to one specific action. Don’t give them options.
Show empathy. The more you can relate the stronger the connection.
Keep it short. This can be difficult and not absolute, but studies have shown that a max of 5-6 words is best for FB ad headlines.

You can also consider the following:

Ask a relevant question. 
Mention the offer, including any incentives. 
Make a promise. But make sure you can back it up, either in the ad or on the landing page.

creating your ad


Before you go loading up your Facebook ad image with copy, know this: Facebook won’t allow you to publish or use an image where copy takes up more than 20% of the ad. In their own words: “Facebook prefers ad images with little or no text, because images with a lot of text may create a lower-quality experience for people on Facebook.”

“Text” includes text you’ve overlaid on an image as well as text-based logos, watermarks and even text in your video’s thumbnail images.

Now this doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be exactly 20% but just try and keep it as minimal as possible.

So save yourself some frustration and test your images with this rather handy tool before submitting your ad and angering the approval gods…

Let's continue to Facebook ads - cold leads...