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The Raven's Song


lesson two: raven and walnut

This reference picture spoke to me immediately about the gregariousness of the raven/crow. You often see them with something in their mouth, not necessarily to eat, sometimes just for play! Here we will take just a portion of the reference and make a small portrait representing this part of raven’s nature

reference images

supplies list

Mediums Used:    

  • Watercolour paper - I prefer the smooth hot pressed watercolour papers, and in particular Fabriano Artistico. I used the 200gsm traditional white
  • Low tack tape to secure your paper
  • Watercolours - use the colours that speak to you! The brands I like are Daniel Smith and A.Gallo - here I used A. Gallo in purple/blues, ochre and a touch of green
  • Coloured Pencils - again, the exact colours are not important, it is how you use them with the watercolour you have put down. Choose colours (or layer colours) that match and enhance the paint you laid down

Graphite Study - Part 1

Graphite Study - Part 2

Graphite Study - Part 3

Let's continue to lesson three...