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The Raven's Song


lesson three: the raven, the pearl and the key

My work often features keys and pearls. Keys because they represent so much in such a little package! Possibility, adventure, the unknown - what door does that key open? And Pearl’s for two reason, the first that my beloved Nan’s name was Pearl, and she was a huge part of my life, and an artist in her own right, plus their feminine nature, association with the moon, and ultimate example of what magic can come from irritation!! I found a perfect reference to go with an idea I had, and let my imagination go from there. Here I am working on a prepared wooden panel, but this could just as easily be done on watercolour paper. My aim was to highlight the enchanting beauty of these birds, and add an extra dash of magic.

reference images

supplies list

Mediums Used:    

  • Wood panel or other substrate - I used a round cradled wood panel 30cm or 11.75 in in diameter. If you choose to use watercolour paper instead, you will not need this gesso or watercolour ground
  • Clear gesso to seal the panel
  • Watercolour ground (translucent) - I used Daniel Smith
  • May need fine grit sandpaper
  • Graphite pencil and kneadable eraser
  • Watercolour paints - I used Daniel Smith in some blues and black/grey, a touch of greens and a little purple, and a red for the ribbon
  • Coloured pencils to match your paints
  • Gold leaf and sizing

The Raven, The Pearl andThe Key - Part 1

The Raven, The Pearl andThe Key - Part 2

The Raven, The Pearl andThe Key - Part 3

The Raven, The Pearl andThe Key - Part 4

Let's continue to the bonus lesson...