Welcome to

Flight and Feather


project 6 : metamorphosis collage

For centuries and across many cultures, the idea of a human changing into a bird has been told in various myths, legends and poems. The very concept of this transformation ignites the imagination as we all wonder at the gift of flight...to have wings...to be free. It is in this place that I desired to create a metamorphosis collage and have it be a part of the class.

This project can be as realistic or as abstract as you feel works for you and your style. Consider ancient tales and stories as an inspiration or create your own expression of this miraculous idea. You can suggest a change or fully visually describe it the metamorphosis. It’s up to you. This is a collage based project but if you would prefer to draw or paint more of your creation that is fine too!

Go for it! Take flight! (I had to sneak in one bird pun...come on.) ;) Now, go spread your wings...ha...ok two puns.

metamorphosis collage - part 1

Now, I’m going to add a beautiful encaustic layer to unify the collage and create an lovely atmospheric look!

metamorphosis collage - part 2

I wanted to share with you what this piece means to me...

This piece is about considering change - contemplating a transformation. The swallow is bringing her a message that brings about a shift in her being. She holds a fine strand of downy blue feathers between her hands as she wonders about whether she is ready for this new life. Words scrawled across her gown reveal her thoughts, judgements and fears...binding her to a human existence while white branches and an unknown landscape draw her towards the natural world. Her hair and perhaps her thoughts are already in flight, free from constraint.

Write about what your piece means to you and share it with the class or keep it private. It is a good practice to reflect upon our creations and examine why we decided upon certain things in our work...even if at the time it was unconscious. Art comes through you but it also comes from you. Our art can serve as messengers from our inner selves helping us to resolve pain, heal wounds or simply celebrate beauty. No matter your experience your art is speaking through you. Don’t dismiss that.

Okay, so technically this is our last lesson...but you guys know me...I can’t help but throw in some bonus lessons! Why stop creating when I just get so darn into it and why not share that with you - my beautiful students!!

So here we go...hope you haven’t put away all your supplies yet. ;)

Let's continue to bonus lessons...