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Building Your Site


selling your classes

Now that you understand building a product page in your Gallery, setting up and selling your classes online is a similar process. However, instead of linking directly to the Classes Product page, we’ll be skipping directly to the Class “Add To Cart” page. 

To do this, we’ll need to build a Classroom Sales Page. You want to offer the details of what they are about to purchase and a clear call-to-action button that will take them directly to the “Add To Cart” and make their purchase.

Classroom Sales Page Images

Be sure to download the images in the "Website Resource" folder and follow along as we build out your Classroom Sales Page.

classes - sales page

Classroom Sales Template

Be sure to download this handy Classroom Sales Template and Syllabus Worksheet as your guide for building your Sales Page and classroom:

Building your first sales page can be a lot of fun. You can continue to “Duplicate” your page and just fill in the blanks for your next class. And make more sales! :)

Next, we need to connect your “Register Now” buttons to the Classroom Product you want them to purchase.

Classes - Classroom Product

student and membership access

Setting up and managing your student access can become quite daunting as you grow your student list and allow them access to your classrooms. If you're wanting to create an easy to use classroom/student access, we highly recommend Thinkific and Teachable (see below). These are perfect for creating and launching your classrooms.

However, when you're just starting out (like we did), Squarespace combined with Memberspace do make it easy to build your classroom and password protect it.


There's a very handy tool available that allows you to manage your Squarespace Classroom Student Access and take some of the hassle out of managing your passwords. Take a look at Memberspace.com. It's completely built for Squarespace users and is a great tool for starting out. Give it a try when you're ready!

Thinkific and Teachable

If you'd like to take your classes to the next level and provide a more integrated classroom, we highly recommend taking a look at Thinkific and Teachable.

These two platforms were built from the ground up to offer you the ability to run your classrooms and provide a membership/account management for your students. Give them a try and see what you think!

That’s all there is to it! You’re now ready to begin selling your online class. So what are you waiting for? Get that class out there! 

Wait hold on.... :) before you do that, you need to do a little house cleaning on your site, let’s connect all your buttons and make sure your site is optimized for desktops, laptops, tablets and phones.

Let's continue to connecting and testing ...