Welcome to

Building Your Site



Welcome to Section 4 - Building Your Site! 

Now that you've done all your planning and understand the building blocks to creating a great website, we're going to take you step-by-step through creating and launching your very own site. By the time you've finished, you will have your very own site where you can sell your creative products and begin to build your following online.

If at any time, you feel overwhelmed or need assistance, always feel free to reach out for help. Squarespace and the other resources we recommend also provide great customer support. You can visit our Creative Business Resource page to quickly find what you need. We're here to support you along your journey.

Over the years, its been truly rewarding to see thousands of creatives, just like you, walk through these lessons and go on to create thriving online businesses. We wish the same for you and can't wait to see what you create!

website image resources

If you wish to use your own images and assets to build your site, that's great! If you want to quickly test your website building skills and follow along, we've provided you with all the images you'll need to get started. Once you become familiar with the tools and building your website, you can use your own images when you're ready. Enjoy!

Let's continue to building your site...