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Grey Heron Tales




How heron comes
It is a negligence of the mind
not to notice how at dusk
heron comes to the pond and
stands there in his death robes, perfect
servant of the system, hungry, his eyes
full of attention, his wings
pure light

- Mary Oliver


I am thrilled to create with you all again in this fabulous Studioworks community!

I find more and more that creating from the heart is what gives me respite in these times of fear, grief and confusion. Certainly, the strange days we are living in have had an effect on my creativity - I think that most artists have a higher degree of empathy, and it is hard to open our hearts to art when there are so many conflicting emotions boiling around us like thunderclouds in concert. I have a quote attached to my computer screen that I read every day, by Jeff Goins “The job of an artist is to offer a sanctuary of beauty to an ugly world”. I think we have much more than that one job, and also I am not even sure I want to call it our ‘job’, but I like the sentiment, and I turn it around to become a personal request - what can I create that will offer my heart and mind sanctuary in this world so full of upheaval? And for me, that is showing up intentionally, consistently, and with authenticity.

These three things also contribute to finding style. An intentional practice - and it is always practice that yields results - a consistent practice, and following your own authenticity, the things that make you excited, that give you joy, and that little excited feeling in the pit of your stomach. Those things that engross you so that you lose time, and sometimes forget to breathe. Follow that white rabbit, quickly! Follow that bunny down that hole and revel in the adventures that follow. Study with intention those artists that excite you, consistently practice with that medium that you love but haven’t mastered (or don’t have a clue how to use), put time and authenticity into forging your path. Style is a process born in increments, it doesn’t just happen, even if you believe in magic (like I do!).

For this lesson, we’ll talk a little about how I am embracing my love of realism, of the natural world and the other-world that is around, underneath and through it, of all creatures great and small (and even invisible!), and how the artists I adore help influence my process because I have taken time to study them and emulate their designs or process. I will show you how I work through my process from an initial idea to final composition ready to paint, and even how I use technology to facilitate that process. And then we will take my favourite media and create a piece of art that honours the beautiful grey heron with an art nouveau influence.

I cannot wait to see what you are inspired to create, and I hope you find some joy and wonder in the process. Are you ready? Let’s go play!

Let's continue to the lesson...