Welcome to Section 1 - Finding your Audience.
Defining your ideal customer is helpful in building and creating your brand. It helps you get to the specifics of who you are, develop what your messaging is and how to communicate effectively to your audience.
It also encourages you to explore and ask questions on who is your target audience and what problems you're trying to solve for them. This is key. People buy services and products that solve their problems.
Remembering this will help you stay focused on a service based business. You are here to help! Whether you are selling a class to inspire creativity or providing beautiful artwork that soothes the soul. Artists serve our community. That's what we do!
Realizing and embracing this mentality also helps remove the "starving artist" way of thinking. You deserve to be paid for the services and gifts you share with the world!
Okay, I said my piece... ;). Let's keep moving.