There are many options for creating great content… Blog posts, podcasts, videos, webinars, social media posts, etc. It’s endless!
The tips and strategies we'll be sharing in this section cover ways in finding content to help you get started and understand the types of popular content related to your audience. However, we want to also make sure you're creating content you're passionate about and what best serves your followers. In this video, I discuss creating content with passion.
I encourage you to know your audience and explore creating content in all forms to see what resonates with your followers. You may be surprised at what they enjoy most!
In the next video, we’ll cover the types of content available and how to research what your audience is asking for. I want to stress that this is great for research but please don’t let this discourage you from just taking action and creating your own content. The tips and strategies are here to help guide you but they are not absolutes. It’s always helpful to do some research and planning but also find a balance in creating your own voice and brand.
As we move along in the class, you may find that one content option is better than another for your audience. Or you may find that all of them work! The goal is to find which content you feel most comfortable creating and where your audience is. If they are more likely to listen to a podcast vs. a video, then by all means focus on a podcast!
Now that we’ve covered the various types of content and exploring how to do a little research upfront, let’s walk through planning your content.
Planning has become such a huge help to us and allowing us to be more intentional with the content we’re creating. It’s removed the feelings of being overwhelmed and let’s us be more strategic throughout the year.
In this next video, you’ll learn how we schedule our year and get detailed with our 3 month goals. You’ll also get to learn a little tip on “batch processing” and how we can create all our content at the beginning of the month and automate it so we can get back to business :)
Be sure to download your content calendar templates below to help plan out your year! Simply select "File/Download As/Microsoft Excel" to save your template.
NOTE: PROCEED WITH CAUTION... In the past, we've used Buffer and Meet Edgar but times have changed (as they often do) and you need to be careful using these tools extensively. There is a lot debate on how effective these tools are at organic reach and whether they negatively impact your post's ranking. Currently, we have stopped using any of these automation tools due to their decline in reach and usefulness.
Facebook and other social media prefer "real engagements". If you're using an automation tool, there is discussion that your social media account will flag your post from these tools and rank it lower within your social feeds. Some of these tools can be extremely helpful but be sure to use them sparingly and explore them to see what can work for you.