Welcome to

Grow Your Following


growing your list

It’s time for the fun stuff! We’ve discussed the how and why to creating amazing content. Now, it’s time to put it to action by understanding a sales funnel and marketing to your audience every step along the way. You’re taking them on a journey… the goal is to let them get to know you, establish a connection and ultimately give them the opportunity to purchase something from you.

Let’s start by understanding a lead magnet, a sales funnel and the different types of content you can create for your cold, warm and hot leads.


As Chris mentioned in the video, we use Squarespace's built in pop-up windows for lead generation. We've also used Sumo over the years and it works great. Give one of the options below a try. It's a great way to put your lead magnet on autopilot.

Isn’t it fun to see all this starting to come together?!!! The next steps in this class will begin to show you how to build and execute all your fabulous hard work.

Speaking of execution, let’s move on to building an effective lead magnet and understanding why we’re building different options for our cold and warm leads.   

Let's continue to building lead magnets...