Alright, time to get down to the nitty gritty part right? Now that we have our WHY and our WHAT...we need to address the HOW! I know you are probably buzzing with questions about equipment and how to use it all! Don't worry, we are going to cover everything we do and what works for us.
Remember, to start where you are. Don’t go running out and buying the most expensive equipment.
First, let’s begin with what WE use. Over the years, we've upgraded our equipment from a GoPro to our Canon DSLR cameras that we use today. By no means do you need to spend the money when starting out. Using a mobile phone or inexpensive video camera are excellent to begin with.
As you continue to grow, you can always upgrade.
Mobile phones have come a long way and are excellent for starting out on a budget. In addition to your phone, you can purchase a great lighting kit and microphone to get started at very low cost.
Please note: The Canon Vixia HF M500 we purchased 4 years ago is no longer available. Most consumer camcorders now have WiFi capabilities and allow you to control with your smartphone. Unfortunately, the zoom-in feature with these new cameras are less than ideal.
Other Recommended Cameras:
DSLR cameras are excellent for creating rich color and quality video. There can be a large learning curve to understanding these cameras so make sure you feel comfortable before purchasing.
Please Note: purchasing a quality lens is essential to creating great videos. Here are the recommended lenses we use.
We've tested many microphones and we've definitely found that you get what you pay for. This is by far our favorite mic but please know there are other more affordable options available.
Lighting is essential for your videos and we highly recommend these lights as an affordable option.
One of our new favorite lights for front facing video recordings. I hightly recommend this light for smoothing out the shadows (and wrinkles) when recording.
This is a complete documentation of the equipment we utilize in the production of our classes. Now, let’s explain a little more about how we set everything up to achieve different filming angles.
I most often film from above so let’s start there.
Please note: The Canon Vixia we purchased 2 years ago is no longer available. The Canon Vixia R80 mentioned above is WiFi enabled and works with most smartphones as a remote and replaces the wireless remote mentioned in the class video. Canon no longer makes a consumer camcorder compatible with wireless remotes : (
Filming over the shoulder is also very handy and allows me to sit down at a table easel while I work. Watch how we set up that shot.
One of my favorite ways to work is at my easel. I love working big so being able to capture this correctly takes the right set up...
We hope these short videos will give you a behind the scenes look at how we set up our equipment. Obviously everyone will have a different situation so be creative and find what works best for you. We are here to help of course! The key elements are good light, a steady camera, relative quiet and a clear enough space for you to do your work.
***Please note that these videos were shot using my iPhone 7 Plus! It did a pretty darn good job! It's a great example of what you can achieve if you only have a smartphone. You will notice that my audio quality is not as high as when I'm using my lapel mic but it still does the trick nicely.***
Now for many of you, the camera you own is on your phone. Yes, you can film with your Smartphone and this can be a great place to start! We don’t recommend it for the long haul since there are some limitations which we will discuss in the next video, but first let’s talk about some good practices when using these devices for filming.
If you choose to use your Smartphone to film with you will want to get a decent tripod and and mic. Here are a few suggestions:
Even if you choose to film with your Smartphone it is highly recommended to invest in the lighting kit recommended previously so you can capture your work with adequate light.
Also, if you want your audio to be of a higher quality we recommend getting a Smartphone lapel microphone.
So, as you can see! You can indeed use your Smartphone to begin your filming journey. Sure, it has limitations but it might be just the ticket to get your started!
To further get you organized we have made a handy checklist so you can run through your set up before you press RECORD!