
a letter from ivy

Dear creative friends,

Welcome to Issue No. 42 of the Studioworks Journal! As always, I’m delighted you are here with me and I’m excited to share this with you. So, for the next three issues we will have a linked theme of the cosmos. By cosmos, I mean the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. 

The last time we linked issues together we explored the elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth (Issues No. 32 – 35).  I feel like this is an expansion to that. As artists, we are students of the natural and spiritual world. We are keenly linked to nature and the outer world while being simultaneously connected to our spiritual inner world, and to the wholeness of it all. 

So let’s look to the night sky in this issue and spend some time aligning to the mystery and magic of our beautiful moon.


So you may be wondering, where do I start? To that, I say, wherever feels right to you. Each month we will have a theme, a creative affirmation, a power word, a color palette, sketchbook exercises, art projects, articles, recommended reading, and access to wonderful inspiration and resources. I want you to think of this as a delicious new magazine, you know the ones you occasionally splurge on, with soft, velvety pages, beautiful images, and inspiring content!

Each issue will invite you to explore your creative practice in whichever way works for you. Experience each issue at your own pace. Take what resonates with you and put the rest aside for another time.

Grab a cup of something lovely and dive in.


Painting the Night
The Art of Nocturnes

When we think of painting landscapes we often recall sunlit places, morning light or saturated sunsets – we don’t, however, think of the night. Landscape painters have been attempting to replicate the beauty of light for centuries – sunlight. But, did you know that in this same passion, artists throughout the ages have also strived to capture the beauty of the night. Moonlit scenes, deep in shadow and lit with twinkling stars or sparks of firelight. These stunning nightscapes are called “Nocturnes”.

“The moon, like a flower in heaven’s high bower, With silent delight Sits and smiles on the night.”
– William Blake

James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Nocturne in Black and Gold – The Falling Rocket, 1874

Nocturne painting is a term coined by James Abbott McNeill Whistler (we studied him in Issue No. 26) to describe a painting style that depicts scenes evocative of the night or subjects as they appear in a veil of light, in twilight, or in the absence of direct light.

Whistler used the term within the title of his works to represent paintings with a “dreamy, pensive mood” by applying a musical name. The use of the term “nocturne” can be associated with the Tonalism movement of the American of the late 19th century and early 20th century which is “characterized by soft, diffused light, muted tones and hazy outlined objects, all of which imbue the works with a strong sense of mood.”

      Ludovic Alleaume, Nocturnal Paradise (Paradis Nocturne), ca. 1859-1941

      Nocturne paintings may be employed to convey an array of meanings. The striking depiction of nighttime can often convey an air of drama and mystery. For many, night evokes a sense of fear and death, while for others it may symbolize peace and serenity. Nocturnal themes have long been utilized to depict romantic liaisons as well as religious sentimentality. It is no surprise that depictions of the night have been very popular among artists of all genres.

      So how do we paint a successful Nocturne? I’ve researched a few tips and tricks to share with you…

      • The best nights to paint are brightly lit by a full moon (or close to it), providing artists with the contrasts of light and shadow which, in turn, make for the most dynamic paintings.

      • Tone value range is more limited in moonlight than it is in sunlight. The brightest lights will always be a couple values down from white.

      • Moonlight is much cooler than sunlight, often lending a blue or silvery-green hue to everything in your scene (unless it’s impacted by another artificial light source, such as light from a building, a campfire, candles or streetlights).

       James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Nocturne in Blue and Gold: Old Battersea Bridge, c. 1872-1875

      • A perfect color mixture to match the range of blues in a nocturne is made by combining Phthalo Turquoise and Alizarin Crimson, and then modifying the tone value with white.

      • The more elusive silvery-green range can be found by mixing the same two colors – Phthalo Turquoise and Alizarin Crimson – with Cadmium Yellow Deep.

      • Just as with daytime scenes, the general rule for nocturne’s is that warm colors come forward, while cool colors recede.

      • The lightest whites will always be closest to you, and in a night scene will quickly recede down the tone value scale as they get further away.

      So this month, try your hand at painting a gorgeous Nocturne! I can’t wait to see what you create!

      I’ve curated some more gorgeous Nocturne creations here…

      Winslow Homer, Summer Night, ca. 1890

      Painting the Night - The Art of Nocturnes

      by : Ivy Newport

      Connecting to Moon Energy

      Last month, we connected with Sun Energy and our own creative, confident essence! This month, let’s explore the mysterious and powerful energy of the Moon. The Sun is considered masculine energy while of course, the Moon is thought to be aligned with feminine energy. The Sun is Yang (active) and the Moon is Yin (passive). The Sun’s constant brightness is in contrast with the waxing and waning cycles of the Moon. As creative, spiritual beings, we can connect to her cycles and honor ourselves and the Moon by paying attention to what each phase brings.

      The Phases of the Moon for the Artist

      New Moon (Dark Moon)

      This phase signals a time to rest and the beginning of a new cycle. It’s the best time to set your intentions. For Artists, this is a great time to jot down new ideas, sketch out ideas and doodle. Tidy up your studio or creative place so it is ready for new projects. Try and get a little more sleep, do some meditating and pay attention to your dreams.

      Waxing Moon

       As the moon begins to grow toward full light, you too can begin to progress in your creative endeavors. Prepare your canvases or set up your tools and materials. Reflecting upon the intentions and ideas you gathered during the New Moon, gently begin to take some steps and start your projects. Continue to work towards completion as the moon grows.

      Full Moon

      This wondrous phase is all about culmination, gratitude and celebration. A great time to bring projects to a close and bask in the joy of all you have created. Lean into the deeply nourishing energy of feeling grateful and celebrate your progress. A great night to host your art show, reveal your creations to the public, gather with some art friends or simply just revel in being an artist.

      Waning Moon

      As the beautiful moon begins to lose her light, this is a sweet time to set aside time to let go of what has been created. Package up artwork you’ve sold and ship it to its new owners. Examine how the last cycle of creating went for you and release anything that isn’t serving you. If negative emotions or attachments arise let them flow through you. Journal, meditate and go on long walks to move energy and re-ground yourself. As the New Moon approaches, slow down and get plenty of rest so you can refuel your creative energy.

      Try aligning your creative flow to that of the Moon and see how it might assist you. I truly believe we can gain much insight, inspiration and nourishment when we honor our tie to the natural world and all it has to offer.

      “When we are looking at the moon, we see the purest reflection of our own beauty and magic.”
      – Debasish Mridha MD
      Connecting to Moon Energy

      by : Ivy Newport

      Journal Prompt & Card Spread

      Let’s explore our connection to the Moon by doing some journaling and/or a tarot or oracle spread. This would be a great activity to do on the night of a New Moon.

      I’ve chosen 4 cards for this spread paired with 3 invitational questions to go within…

      1. New Moon – What new intentions would I like to set for the start of this new cycle?
      2. Waxing Moon – Where do I want to focus my attention and how should I take action?
      3. Full Moon – Once I reach the completion of my creative projects how can I best celebrate and honor my process?
      4. Waning Moon – What should I release and let go of as the Moon darkens?

      Please feel free to print out this journal prompt & card spread and put it somewhere in your sketchbook or journal.

          The Goddess Selene

          As many of you know, I adore mythology and I often find inspiration in cultural stories about various gods and goddesses. So since we are exploring the beauty and mystery of the Moon, I thought it would be fun to explore the Moon Goddess, Selene.

          Who Is Selene?

          In Greek mythology, Selene is the goddess of the Moon. She is the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia, and sister of the sun god Helios and the dawn goddess Eos. She drives her moon chariot across the heavens. In post-classical times, Selene was often identified with Artemis, much as her brother, Helios, was identified with Apollo. Selene and Artemis were also associated with Hecate and all three were regarded as moon and lunar goddesses, but only Selene was regarded as the personification of the Moon itself. Her Roman equivalent is Luna.

          The Triple Goddess

          Selene is one of the Greek triple Goddesses of the Moon. In the maiden, mother, crone aspects of the Goddess, Selene is the mother Goddess, Artemis the maiden and Hecate the Crone.

          The mother aspect of the triple Goddess represents womanhood, she is represented by the full moon, where she is at the height of her reproductive potential. Selene, is the fruitful mother and is honored at the Full Moon and the days of the full and new moon were set aside for her worship.

          She is known for her various love affairs, with Zeus, she is the mother of Pandia meaning ‘All-bright’ and Ersa meaning ‘Dew’, with Pan who gave her a herd of white oxen. However, her greatest love was Endymion. According to mythology, Selene saw Endymion, a shepherd, asleep in a cave on Mt. Latmus as she drove her chariot across the sky. As she gazed upon Endymion, she fell madly in love with But Endymion, being mortal, was susceptible to aging and death. Selene could not bear the thought of this cruel fate, so she asked Zeus to grant Endymion eternal sleep. Zeus granted this wish and cast a spell upon the shepherd that kept him eternally youthful while he slumbered, in his dreams he would be forever holding the moon in his arms. From this relationship, Selene birthed 50 daughters

          Symbols of Selene

          Animals – Horses, bull

          Objects – the Full Moon, crescent moon, torch

          Crystals – moonstone, selenite, bloodstone, blue topaz, clear quartz

          Colors – silver, white

          Tarot card associated with – The Moon

              Check out this Pinterest Board dedicated to Moon Goddess

              The Goddess Selene

              by : Ivy Newport

              Moon powered Artist PROMPT
              • When the moon is full, go out into nature and allow yourself to bask in the moonlight. Feel deeply connected to this beautiful heavenly body, this go into your creative space and create a piece dedicated to her.


              by Danna Faulds

              I love this poem by Danna Faulds. It is the perfect poem to read out loud and reflect upon during the waning moon as we let go of what is no longer serving us and embrace rest, forgiveness and renewal. Enjoy.

              I lay myself down
              on the welcoming
              ground, the earth’s
              spine becoming mine.
              Peace seeps into
              heavy limbs and
              slows my heartbeat
              to the pace of nature.
              I take refuge
              in the quiet, and let
              my burdens go,
              one by one, until
              the earth and I
              both float in the
              same vast and
              holy silence.

              Check out some of Danna’s books below…


              by : Ivy Newport

              WORD OF THE MONTH


              Dream : to have a series of thoughts, images, or emotions while sleeping : to have a dream

              While the sun brings up full illumination and wakefulness the Moon, of course, invites us into slumber and the world of dreams. The Moon is related to our subconscious and intuitive nature where subtle ideas, influences and information arise. A mysterious realm that speaks in symbol and color. The moon reminds the artist to delve deeper into this nocturnal terrain to tap into our souls and uncover meaning. Pay attention to your nightly visions, especially during the Full Moon when we tend to have more active and vivid dreams. Keep a Dream Journal close to your bed and jot down anything you remember upon waking. You may just discover clues, solutions and inspiration for your creative projects.

              “Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your own being.”
              – Rumi
              Word of the Month - Dream

              by : Ivy Newport

              Full Moon, Full Breath Meditation


              I am sharing this beautiful Full Moon Meditation from one of my favorite meditation masters – Rachel Hillary. This one is truly magical and is perfect to do when the Moon is full! So gift yourself about 15 mins to enjoy this special time connecting with the mystical Moon.

              Rachel will share a little about this experience –

              This is a simple yet mystical meditation. Strong, and simultaneously sweet and gentle. Invoking the magical paradox of the calming yet striking full moon, to allow you to subtly receive the powerful energies of this time. This is a short but illuminating practice. I will guide you to reconnect with your breath, to listen, receive messages, and to feel the magic present here. Simply breathe and listen. Please note there is no ending bell.

              Lots of love,


              “The moon stays bright when it doesn’t avoid the night.”
              – Rumi
              Full Moon, Full Breath Meditation

              by : Rachel Hillary

              You can download more meditations and connect with Rachel here…

              Monthly Affirmation
              Each month we will have a positive affirmation. I recommend you print out this affirmation and put it in your sketchbook or somewhere in your studio. Recite the affirmation out loud each time you show up to create. Saying words aloud is powerful and can begin to re-write some of our own limiting beliefs or calm our fears. Try it now…
              Mother Moon

              With Denise Stargazer

              Hello friends. This month we are enjoying the energy of mother moon. In Q’ero Shamanism, we call her Mama Quilla. She is an ever-present part of our spiritual practices as we honor her energy and cycles. Not only is she gorgeous (I mean, c’mon!)—she helps us charge and clear crystals, she helps us create moon water. She helps us evolve and grow. It made sense that this month I’d share some amazing crystals linked to moon energy. And show you my secret to making moon water.

              Pull up a chair and grab some tea. Let’s dive into more moon energy goodness. I’m so happy you’re here.

              Learn more about Denise by visiting her website and follow her on social media…

              Check out her awesome YouTube channel too…

              “It is a beautiful and delightful sight to behold the body of the Moon.”
              – Galileo Galilei
              Color Palette of the Month

              This month, I couldn’t help but be inspired by our master artist, Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer. Lucien’s mysterious and dreamlike work is often created with the soft blue tones of the night. So we will be delving into the color of moonlight this month. Deep midnight blue, muted turquoise, soft golden and silver, glowing alabaster. These moody hues draw us deep into the twilight. Enjoy the soft moonlit glow that can be achieved with these colors!

              As always, work with colors that call to you and never doubt your creative intuition. Your colors may look entirely different and that’s ok.

              “You are the root of heaven, the morning star, the bright moon, the house of endless Love”
              – Rumi
              Color Palette

              by : Ivy Newport

              Master Artist Guide

              Lucien Lévy-Dhurmur

              This month, I’m so very excited to bring you the work and story of Symbolist painter, Lucien Lévy-Dhurmur. I had never known this artist before and was excited to stumble upon his works when researching more about the Symbolist movement! Turns out I’m a big fan of this period in art history. Mostly, because many of the artists expressed spiritual or other worldly visions. Many of these visions I find enchanting and mysterious – Lucien’s work struck me for these reasons and I think his creations meld well with our Moon theme this month.

              Lucien was a French artist and a leading figure in the Symbolist and Art-Nouveau movements. His works include paintings, drawings, ceramics, furniture and interior design.
              Like the Moon, his works are dreamy enigmas that seem to glow from within. Soft and surreal his body of work embraces the magical qualities that the Moon shares with us. Although it was difficult to find a lot of information about this artist, I hope you will enjoy learning a little bit more about him…


              Born Lucien Lévy to a Jewish family in Algiers, French Algeria in 1865, he began studying drawing and sculpture in Paris in 1879. He first exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1882 where he showed a small ceramic plaque. In 1887, Lévy began making his living near Cannes in southern France, overseeing the decoration of ceramics. From 1886 to 1895 he worked as a ceramic decorator and then as artistic director of the studio of Clément Massier. Around 1892 he signed his first pieces of ceramics, which were influenced by Islamic Art. In 1895, he left for Paris to begin a career in painting; around this time he visited Italy and was further influenced by art of the Renaissance.

              “Yours is the light by which my spirit’s born: – you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.”
              – E.E. Cummings


              Portrait of Georges Rodenbach, 1896

              In 1896 he exhibited his first pastels and paintings under the name Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer; he had added the last two syllables of his mother’s maiden name (Goldhurmer), likely to differentiate himself from other people named Lévy. His paintings soon became popular with the public and among fellow artists as well. He earned high praise for the academic attention to detail with which he captured figures lost in a Pre-Raphaelite haze of melancholy, contrasted with bright Impressionist colouration. His portrait of writer Georges Rodenbach is perhaps the most striking example of this strange and extraordinary synergy.

              After 1901 Lévy-Dhurmer moved away from expressly Symbolist content, incorporating more landscapes into his work because of his travels in Europe and North Africa. He continued to draw inspiration from music and attempted to capture works of great composers such as Beethoven in painted form.

              In 1914 Lévy-Dhurmer married Emmy Fournier, who had been an editor of the early feminist newspaper La Fronde. By this time he was working primarily on landscapes, both oil and pastel, in a style similar to Whistler and Monet.

              Lévy-Dhurmer died in Le Vésinet in 1953.

              Enjoy this slideshow of his work…

              Here’s a Pinterest board full of work from Lucien Lévy-Dhurmur…

              “We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.”
              – Khalil Gibran

              More slides of Lucien’s work…

              Master Artist Guide

              by : Ivy Newport

              Sketchbook Explorations

              EXPLORATION 1

              Triple Goddess

              I’ll be your guide through this project as we work with the Triple Goddess of the Moon. Grab your tarot and oracle cards if that’s your thing because we will be using them as inspiration. No worries if you don’t do cards..I have a whole curated gallery of images to inspire you too! I hope you enjoy this mixed media project!

              EXPLORATION 2

              Inspired by Lucien Lévy-Dhurmur

              Have a peek at Lucien’s beautiful, moody work and then pick a piece to do a study of or create a piece inspired by his work! Dive into the softness and ethereal moon like quality of his creations!

              Here is a Pinterest board I’ve curated to inspire you –

              I loved using this image as my inspiration for my master study.

              EXPLORATION 3

              Moon Calendar spread

              In your sketchbook or art journal consider charting the moon this month or create a Moon inspired art journal spread.

              You can find all the dates for the various phases of the moon here:

              Make this little moon calendar/or spread beautiful by embellishing it with collage, paint or any medium you enjoy. Leave room to set your intentions and reflect on how your creative energy during each phase. Remember the four general phases are:

              • New Moon (or Dark Moon) – set your intentions
              • Waxing Moon – begin to move forward in action
              • Full Moon – celebrate and be grateful for what you have created
              • Waning Moon – release what no longer serves you and prepare to begin again

              A beautiful moon journal spread by one of our community artists – Natalie Eslick. Check out more of Natalie’s work here

              “The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness, but she will always dwell in the darkness, in order to be seen.”
              – Shannon L. Alder

              MONTHLY ART LESSON

              Triple Goddess Integration

              With Ivy Newport

              I’m excited to share this intuitive and moon focused project with you as we explore the myth and magic of the Triple Goddess. I loved creating this lesson for Pull, Pen, Paint with Kiala Givehand and I’m delighted to share it with you now! Grab your oracle and/or your tarot cards too if you love cards or simply just let your intuition guide you through this process. There is no right way to express the Triple Goddess so go with the images and style that feels right for you! You could even use collage or transfer your faces/figures if you would like!


              Submission Calls

              If you’d like to be featured in an upcoming Studioworks Journal, we’d love to have you join our Creative Network! Our intention with Studioworks has always been to cultivate community involvement and collaboration. Featuring members from our creative community is such an honor and a beautiful way to share the light you all bring. Come join us!


              issue forty-two

              You can also listen to this month’s issue of the Studioworks journal. I find I love listening to books, podcasts and music while I draw, paint or go on a long walk. Enjoy.

              Studioworks : issue forty-two

              by : Ivy Newport

              inspiration: curated
              One of my favorite things to do is to curate inspiration. From Pinterest boards to books, resources, playlists and more – I love to share anything that might facilitate learning, expansion, and sparks of curiosity! Being an artist, we naturally crave these things so here are some of this month’s picks from me to you.

              Books to Discover & Enjoy

              MUSIC PLAYLIST

              I had so much fun curating this list. I hope you enjoy!!

              THINGS TO WATCH

              A great documentary about the Moon

              For my space geek friends this is a cool video about the theories of the origin of the Moon

              Yoga Lovers – Check out this beautiful Full Moon Yoga practice (for any level)

              PINTEREST BOARDS

              CLASS TO CHECKOUT

              If you haven’t done this Moon themed Studioworks Lesson yet come check it out…


              Here are just a few of our fantastic classes! I highly recommend checking them out if you haven’t already. Enjoy!