
a letter from ivy

Dear creative friends,

Welcome to Issue #12 of the StudioWorks Journal! As always, I’m super grateful you are here with me and I’m excited to share this with you. I hope you have enjoyed cultivating more stillness in your life. It has brought me to a feeling of such peace and has positively affected so many facets of my day to day.

As we end the year, I felt it only natural to spill into the theme of joy. Joy as an inner radiance of peace and contentment. A quiet, glowing center within us all – Where gratitude, grace and a sublime wellspring of love resides.


So you may be wondering, where do I start? To that, I say, wherever feels right to you. Each month we will have a theme, a creative affirmation, a power word, a color palette, sketchbook exercises, art projects, articles, recommended reading and access to wonderful inspiration and resources. I want you to think of this as a delicious new magazine, you know the ones you occasionally splurge on, with soft, velvety pages, beautiful images and inspiring content!

Each issue will invite you to explore your creative practice in whichever way works for you. Experience each issue at your own pace. Take what resonates with you and put the rest aside for another time.

Grab a cup of something lovely and dive in.


Joy Within

Often times, after painting, I get a surge through my heart, a deep ripple, a warmth and suddenly I feel radiant, like my insides are glowing. A smile spreads effortlessly across my lips and I know I am in the presence of joy or rather I have become a joyful presence. That inner cup has runneth over. Gratitude rolls in like a mighty ship with billowing whites sails. I breathe the sweetness in and say silent thanks for this moment.

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”
– Rumi

That sacred joy that we feel after, as Rumi says, “you do things from your soul” is pure bliss is it not?

When I speak of joy, I don’t mean some celebratory, jubilant affair, full of streamers and fireworks, ecstasy or excitement. I’m speaking to that deep seated, inner joy. A quiet, humble, yet all encompassing sensation that fills us with light and reminds us of our inherent beauty, divine connection and natural yearning to lean towards love. The kind of joy that often brings tears to our eyes and a fullness to our hearts. It is not triggered by external circumstances, like happiness might be but rather it emits from our very core. Like a caress from our soul. Petal soft but deeply rooted. If we close our eyes in moments of joy we can almost imagine our hearts radiating a pure white light.

I think it is important to recognize that joy is always accessible to us and never leaves us. Happiness may be fleeting when things in our lives become challenging but our joy is always there. It is the integral framework for peace and contentment. Joy does require two things to operate however, the first being connection. Connection to oneself, to a higher being, to relationships, to our creativity, to our passions. Connection to life. Connection to living. The second element that joy requires is presence. Stillness. To be aware of what is.

We must choose to be present, we must choose to be connected and then we must choose to embrace the joy within. Joy is an alignment of heart and spirit, present inside of us as an untapped reservoir of potential. What is remarkable about joy is that it is possible to feel joy even amidst difficult times. It has the breadth and depth to hold space with and for other emotions. Joy, so often, is coupled with sorrow or pain. We know joy all the better for sorrow and all the more intimately due to pain. Joy is the illuminated edge of our shadows. The fiery light before the sun slips beneath the darkened waves. Sometimes we have to invite it in with a smile amidst the turmoil, despite the struggle. It will flicker into recognition, like an ignited candle and its’ warmth will soothe your spirit and renew your hope.

Other times, it encompasses us in its’ brightness, in its divine brilliance. A golden mantle that wraps our hearts in liquid love and overflows into our very being.

I love this passage from one of our books this month, – The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World by the Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu – “What is this thing called joy, and how is it possible that it can evoke such a wide range of feelings? How can the experience of joy span from those tears of joy at a birth to an irrepressible belly laugh at a joke to a serenely contented smile during meditation? Joy seems to blanket this entire emotional expanse.”  

However when we experience joy, whenever we feel it’s embrace, we must witness this gift and hold it close, feel grateful for our lives and know that we are loved beyond measure. Now and always.

“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.”
― Marianne Williamson

Joy Within

by : Ivy Newport

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh
  • In your sketchbook or journal write a list of activities that help you connect with your inner joy. These could be anything from working with your hands in the earth to having a conversation with a dear friend.


a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence and hope.

I love this definition. An orientation of the heart – how perfectly expressed. Doesn’t that resonate with you, deep within you? Joy is the true north our our hearts. It is the touchstone at the core of our being that allows us to expand, to hope, to dream and to connect with this miracle of living.

“When we lay the soil of our hard lives open to the rain of grace and let joy penetrate our cracked and dry places, let joy soak into our broken skin and deep crevices, life grows. How can this not be the best thing for the world? For us?”
– Ann Voskamp

Flow into Creativity
Meditation by Trina Lee

As artists, we can activate and access of joy by going within and connecting with our creativity. Our passionate artistic muse is always ready to work with us although our fears can get in the way. Try this beautiful, healing EFT meditation with Trina Lee. If you are unfamiliar with EFT watch this video first…

Then go on to enjoy her mediation below. You can also enjoy more of Trina’s meditations on the Insight Timer app.

Flow into Creativity

by : Trina Lee

Accessing our Joy

Joy is something that is available to us always. However, we have to make the intention to connect with it. We also need to identify exactly what helps us feel joyful. Let’s spend a few minutes journaling about this concept.

Take at least 10 minutes of meditation before you begin to write. Set an intention that you are going to be open to this writing session and that you welcome all loving wisdom.

In your journal or sketchbook write down these questions. Take a moment to reflect upon them and then let your writing flow…

  • What activities spark joy for you?
  • Who in your life brings you a sense of joy?
  • What are you grateful for in your life (gratitude fosters and supports joyful feelings)
  • What are three things you could do to bring joy into your day to day life?

Here’s another wonderful article on cultivating joy.

“The path to joy is ultimately a return to wholeness—a rediscovery of who you are and what makes you happy. It involves getting to know, and move beyond, your fears and insecurities, paving the way toward more lightheartedness and laughter. Over time, life starts to unfold with ease and challenges are met with good energy and creative solutions”
– Rachelle Williams
  • Experiencing joy is closely related to practicing self-love and self-compassion – so try this – smile at yourself in the mirror each time you catch your reflection, not to check your teeth – lol – but to simply acknowledge what an amazing soul you are. Take it to the next level and write down three things you love about yourself. Stick it on your bathroom mirror and say the statements out loud multiple times a day!
Accessing Our Joy

by : Ivy Newport

Monthly Affirmation

Each month we will have a positive affirmation. I recommend you print out this affirmation and put it in your sketchbook or somewhere in your studio. Recite the affirmation out loud each time you show up to create. Saying words aloud is powerful and can begin to re-write some of our own limiting beliefs or calm our fears. Try it now…

Color Palette of the Month

When I think of joy, I see a deep, deep green, shimmering with gold. Like a dazzling emerald right at our core. Right in the center of my heart. This sparkling jewel radiates with love and swells with gratitude. So let emerald green be our inspired color for this month. A color I rarely work with but have been inexplicably drawn to most recently.

This stunning jewel tone pairs beautifully with gold but it also looks incredibly gorgeous paired with peaches and soft pinks. Experiment with this hue and see what sparks joy for you!

“Love is an emerald. Its brilliant light wards off dragons on this treacherous path.”
– Rumi

  • Joy can be found in the service of others, so find a local place to volunteer some of your time, ask a friend if you can help out with something or create a small piece of art to brighten someone’s day.
8 Ingredients for a Joyful Life


You don’t need a huge group of friends to feel loved. Just a few special people in your life who you regularly see will heighten your sense of connection, love and acceptance. We are wired for connection, real connection. Just make sure you choose POSITIVE people to spend your time with!


It is proven that those who practice kindness and give their time to others experience more happiness, gratitude and yes, joy. Volunteering, helping a family member out, listening intently to a dear friend. These acts all cultivate joy. One must also be aware of how you are treating yourself. Watch for negative self talk. This will erode happiness and your sense of self worth. Begin to speak to yourself with love and compassion.


We are not meant to be work horses. We need rest, recuperation and quiet to refill our wells. If you are feeling burnt out, over stressed and unmotivated, these are signals to take a break. People who respect their need for rest experience more happiness as a result.

4. Physical wellbeing

People who live more joyful lives take care of their bodies. This doesn’t mean they are athletes or compulsive gym rats. It means they take the time to exercise and move their bodies. Eating healthy, nourishing food is also key to our wellbeing. It only makes sense that how we treat our bodies will impact our overall happiness.


A happy, balanced person is open to learning and improving themselves. They often read self-help books (and take actual action) or are mindful to consuming positive information and media i.e. NOT the news.


Nature is the ultimate balm to our overstressed, overwhelming lives and happy people know this. They make it a regular practice to connect with the natural world, whether that’s their back garden or a great forest.


Studies demonstrate a close link between spiritual and religious practice and happiness. Spirituality is closely related to the discovery of greater meaning in our lives. This path brings much joy and a deeper sense of connection with the world.


Joyful people not only see the good in people and the silver lining in a difficult situation, they also practice gratitude. It is powerful and healing to regularly recognize all in your life to be grateful for. Make this a ritual in your life and it will indeed bring you more joy.

“We need Joy as we need air. We need Love as we need water. We need each other as we need the earth we share.”
– Maya Angelou
8 Ingredients for a Joyful Life

by : Ivy Newport


Gustav Klimt

When I think of an artist who used exquisite jewel tones and layers of shimmering gold, I can hardly go past one of my favorites – Gustav Klimt! His works are sensual, beautiful and filled to the brim with intricate pattern and wondrous color. This man could layer shades of emerald, sapphire and ruby, woven into gold like a skilled jeweler. His attention to detail, I believe, is an expression of his love and joy for his art. He often celebrated life, love and human connection in many of his works. Let’s learn a little more …enjoy the slideshow.

“Whoever wants to know something about me, they should look attentively at my pictures and there seek to recognise what I am and what I want.”
– Gustav Klimt
Master Artist Guide - Gustav Klimt

by : Ivy Newport

Sketchbook Explorations

Before we begin our explorations, I wanted to provide a cohesive theme for us to focus on. This will help unify our explorations and provides us with a simple place to start when approaching a VERY blank sketchbook.

Our sketchbook theme this month is emerald green as you may have guessed. Explore this luxurious color and all the beautiful hues it can be paired with. I’ve made a little Pinterest board to inspire the use of this color! Let it be a representation of your inner joy, shining brightly with depth and infinite richness.

Please remember, our explorations in our sketchbook are really just access points to get you into the flow. However, they can also be seeds for new ideas, concepts and themes in your art. Some of them will be more about writing and others more about drawing and painting. You will see below three prompts and exercises explained and photographed from my own sketchbook. You are welcome to expand upon, invent and experiment with your own concepts too. Use our color palette if you want to. You will see I stay in that theme for my explorations. These may feel silly at first but let your inner artist play.


Lady in Emerald

Create a figurative sketch or portrait with your subject swathed in a beautiful shade of Emerald. You can use any media you would like. For this one, I decided to jump out of my sketchbook and go bigger! Feel free to do the same! I used an image as my reference but I also created a Pinterest board to inspire you. You will not only see models in green on this board but many historical pieces of art where the artist has used emerald beautifully. A master study of one of these would be a delight to create!


Green Heart

So, it’s no coincidence that green (our beloved monthly color) is also associated with the heart chakra. And when you think of how deeply nurturing, fertile and bountiful the color green is, it makes perfect sense. Green is giving. Green is receiving. Green is abundant and rich and balanced. It has warmth and coolness. It literally symbolizes life itself. So for this exploration portray your green heart. This can be very abstract and expressive or more literal. You will see in mine, that I have expressed my green heart as a bird since this symbol has much meaning to me. Use any medium you like! Just have fun and embrace the joy of honoring your deep, green, beautiful heart.


Green & Gold Abstract

Create some small abstract explorations using emerald as your main inspiration color. Pair it with other colors you love. You can paint, collage or use whatever mediums call to you! Trust your intuition and play with different combinations and compositions. I literally sat for a few hours just layering paint and making marks, lost in the joy of simply exploring.


Lady in Emerald

I loved creating this figurative piece for you guys this month! She was a delight to work with and I thoroughly enjoyed using emerald and a variety of pinks, peaches and earthly red tones! So fun to get all those different colors to play together.


issue twelve

You can also listen to this month’s issue of the Studioworks journal. I find I love listening to books, podcasts and music while I draw, paint or go on a long walk. Enjoy.

Studioworks : issue twelve

by : Ivy Newport

inspiration: curated

One of my favorite things to do is to curate inspiration. From Pinterest boards to books, resources, playlists and more – I love to share anything that might facilitate learning, expansion, and sparks of curiosity! Being an artist, we naturally crave these things so here are some of this month’s picks from me to you.



I had so much fun curating this list. I hope you enjoy!!


 These feeds are filled with the joy and beauty of celebrating life.




These classes carry joy filled learning rooted in nature, art and happiness! I highly recommend checking them out if you haven’t already. Enjoy!